Today business is changing faster than the annual performance appraisal process – how can we adapt to this pace of change and what is HR Manager role in this process?
Dear BMI Alumni,
Personnel issues are more and more important and relevant for the development of business in Lithuania. With a great opportunity to inviting an expert of rich international experience HR Manager Mr. Bertil Abrahamsson BMI Alumni together with “Personalo Valdymo Profesionalų Asociacija“ (PVPA) invites you to a discussion Event on:
„HR in Business context“
which will take place on 9 July 2013, at 5 p.m. in Comfort Hotel, Mindaugo str. 27, Vilnius.
Guest speaker – Bertil Abrahamsson, temporary Acting HR Department Director at the company TEO Lt.
Since 1999 by 2004 Bertil Abrahamsson was HR Department Director at AB “Lietuvos telekomas”. Currently, he is Vice President of TeliaSonera AB(Sweden) HRl Division.
Moderator – Nijolė Kelpšaitė, Partner/Consultant, JSC J.Friisberg & Partners.
Expected duration – 2 hours.
Participation fee: for Members of Association, who have payed the Annual Fee for the year 2013, participation is free. For others participation fee is 50 Lt (the above mentioned sum to be payed to the account of Association „Baltic Management Institute Alumni” No. LT62 7044 0600 0096 8206 till 8th July 2013).
Number of participants is limited.
For registration please contact:
Nijolė Kudabienė, PVPA direktorė
Tel.: 852 123 136
Mob. tel.: +370 640 19075
May you have any questions, please contact:
Ieva Pociūnienė, Administrator
BMI Alumni Association
Mob. tel. +370 698 25680