Knygynas „Akademinė knyga” kviečia įsigyti knygų personalo valdymo tematika

Knygynas „Akademinė knyga” pristato naujas knygas personalo valdymo tematika. Knygas galima nusipirkti Universiteto g. 4, Vilniuje esančiame knygyne. Tel. pasiteiravimui: 8 5 2661680. Susidarius didesniam kiekiui asmenų, norinčių konkrečios knygos, knygynas pritaikytų didesnę nuolaidą. Jeigu būtų pageidavimas ir atsirastų daugiau negu 2 asmenys susidomėję viena knyga – ją galėtų nupirkti ir asociacija į savo biblioteką. Tad rašykite arba skambinkite tel. 8 614 03799.

HR Strategy: Creating Business Strategy with Human Capital. Paul Kearns

2 Rev ed, Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd, 1 Sep 2009, Published in UK. 228pp,Kaina 115.00 Lt su nuolaida – 97.75 Lt

With a huge proportion of organizations’ expenditure related to their human resources and recent economic pressures making companies more lean that ever, it has never been more important for HR professionals to think and act strategically, and turn their people planning into profit. Focused on HR as a key tool for competitive advantage and sustainable success, „HR Strategy” demonstrates how to develop a winning human resource strategy working backwards from the results you want to see towards a workable, measurable plan for managing human capital. Tap into the needs of individual employees to unleash their maximum value with this concise, easy-to-read book that takes a practical, how-to approach, covering the wide-angle theory and the day-to-day practice. This new edition includes: updated case studies to demonstrate strategies work in different organizational contexts; thorough revision throughout to incorporate the latest theories, developments, tools and measures; increased focus on the questions you need to ask yourself about your organization’s drivers and values in order to make real changes from the ground level up. This new edition features updated case studies and thorough revision throughout to incorporate the latest theories, developments, tools and measures.


Mistreatment in the Workplace: Prevention and Resolution for Managers and Organizations. Julie B. Olson-Buchanan; Wendy R. Boswell

Wiley-Blackwell 31 Mar 2009, Published in UK. 224pp, Kaina 93.00 Lt su nuolaida 79.05 Lt

Integrating findings from research and practice in order to make practical, evidence-based recommendations for preventing and addressing systemic workplace mistreatment, this book: focuses on the recursive effects of mistreatment in organizations and how individual and organizational well-being can be enhanced by carefully-designed policies and procedures; and, creates a complete picture by bringing together relevant research from fragmented fields such as organizational psychology, labor relations and labor economics. The book enables you to identify best practices for resolving mistreatment occurrences, for creating a civil workforce, and preventing recursive mistreatment.

Leading Learning.Tom O’Donoghue; Simon Clarke

New ed, Routledge, 13 Oct 2009, Published in UK. 200pp,  Kaina 125.00 Lt su nuolaida 106.25 Lt

Enhancing learning by empowering all stakeholders within educational institutions increasingly underpins theoretical and conceptual frameworks in the field of educational leadership and management. This book draws on this key and developing notion of ‘distributed leadership’ and focuses on the relationship between leadership and learning. The book is divided into five sections, which take the reader from a broad exposition of the relationship between leadership and learning, through to the specificity of teachers and learners, and on to the whole institution and lifelong learning issues: world-wide concepts of leadership and learning; teachers and learning; learners and learning; inclusive learning; and, valuing learning: whole institutional learning cultures. „Leading Learning” will appeal to students on Masters and Doctoral courses in education leadership and management; those undertaking programs of training and development, such as NPQH, HEADLAMP and LPSH; school and college leaders; academics and researchers in the field.


Finding & Keeping Great Employees. Jim Harris; Joan Brannick

American Management Association, 1 Feb 2007, USA. 244pp,  Kaina 72.00 lt su nuolaida 61.20 Lt

Based on extensive research into „best practices” at a wide variety of organizations, Finding & Keeping Great Employees reveals how some of today’s most progressive companies are meeting that challenge – and shutting down the revolving door -by leveraging their core purpose and corporate culture to attract and retain top talent. They are creating a workforce of people whose values and skills align closely with the organization’s driving purpose – a match that ensures competitive advantage.


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